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The Group for Research on European and International Taxation (GREIT) hosts annual events in the form of conferences and summer schools.
Event details of The External Strategy of the EU in a Post-BEPS Environment - Cadiz, Spain
Start date
15 September 2017
End date
16 September 2017

This year's topics are:

  • The external policy of the EU: the framework
  • BEPS and EU law
  • Trade agreements, tax conventions and EU lax
  • Transparency and exchange of information
  • The EU and selected issues with regard to third countries


The registration fee is EUR 500 (incl. lunch). Free registration for full-time academics and students (incl. PhD and LLM) upon request. Limited seats available. Registration on the spot not available. Early registration recommended. Registration fee should be paid in advance in EUR.


For registration, please send an email with personal data to:

More information on the website:



For practical information and speakers, please find attached the programme: