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At the present time, the people involved in the CPT project are the following:


Prof. dr. O.C.R. (Otto) Marres

Prof. dr. O.C.R. (Otto) Marres

Prof. dr. D.M. (Dennis) Weber

Prof.Dr. D.M. (Dennis) Weber

Academic Coordination

Mr. J.M. (Juan Manuel) Vázquez

Juan Manuel Vázquez, LLM

Leaders of the Research Areas

Dr G. (Giorgio) Beretta

Giorgio Beretta, Ph.D. in Tax Law

Dr C. (Claudio) Cipollini

Claudio Cippolini

Prof. mr. dr. S.C.W. (Sjoerd) Douma

Prof. mr. dr. Sjoerd Douma

Prof. dr. E. (Evangelos) Kanoulas

Prof. dr. Evangelos Kanoulas

Mr. dr. D.R. (Dennis) Post

Dr. Dennis Post

Prof. dr. mr. D.S. (Daniël) Smit

Prof. dr. mr. Daniël Smit


Dr S. (Svitlana) Buriak

Svitlana Buriak

Mr. J.M. (Juan Manuel) Vázquez

Juan Manuel Vázquez, LLM

A. (Anna) Vvedenskaya

Anna Vvedenskaya, LLM

Mr. R. (Reza) Zeldenrust

Reza Zeldenrust

Student Researchers 2022-2023

  • Diana Almadi
  • Dorothée van de Sanden.
  • Tessa Keizer
  • Marciana Eijpe

See former CPT project students