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Prof. mr. P.J. (Peter) Wattel

Tax law
Faculty of Law
Tax Law
Photographer: Isabel Nabuurs

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15557
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Wattel, P. J. (2022). Chapter 1 - Introduction. In S. Douma, O. Marres, H. Vermeulen, & D. Weber (Eds.), Terra/Wattel – European Tax Law: General Topics and Direct Taxation (8th ed., Vol. Vol. I, pp. 1-7).
    • Wattel, P. J. (2022). Hof van Justitite van de Europese Unie te Luxemburg 6 oktober 2021 (Nr. C-561/19). 48. Case note on: HvJ EU, 6/10/21, C-561/19, ECLI:EU:C:2021:799 (Consorzio Italian Management e Catania Multiservizi). BNB : Beslissingen in Belastingzaken. Nederlandse Belastingrechtspraak, 2022(9), 1127-1171. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2022). Thirty Years of Fiscal (In)Coherence. Intertax, 50(10), 736-750. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J., & Weber, D. (2022). Conceptual Background of the CJEU case law in Direct Tax Matters. In S. Douma, O. Marres, H. Vermeulen, & D. Weber (Eds.), Terra/Wattel European Tax Law - Volume 1: General Topics and Direct Taxation (8th student ed., pp. 197-230). (Fiscale studieserie; No. 29). Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Weber, D., & Wattel, P. (2022). Free movement and Tax Base Integrity. In S. Douma, O. Marres, H. Vermeulen, & D. Weber (Eds.), Terra/Wattel European Tax Law - Volume 1: General Topics and Direct Taxation (8th student ed., pp. 231-268). (Fiscale studieserie; No. 29). Wolters Kluwer. [details]



    • Wattel, P. (2020). <i>Starbucks</i> and <i>Fiat</i>: Arm’s Length Competition Law. Case note on: ECJ, 24/09/19, T‑760/15, T‑636/16, ECLI:EU:T:2019:669 (Starbucks). Intertax, 48(1), 119-121. [details]


    • Brokelind, C., & Wattel, P. (2018). Free Movement and Tax base Integrity. In P. J. Wattel, O. Marres, & H. Vermeulen (Eds.), Terra/Wattel European Tax Law. - Volume 1: General Concepts and Direct Taxation (7th ed., pp. 649-694). (Fiscale handboeken; No. 10). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Dourado, A. P., & Wattel, P. (2018). Third States and External Tax Relations. In P. J. Wattel, O. Marres, & H. Vermeulen (Eds.), Terra/Wattel European Tax Law. - Volume 1: General Concepts and Direct Taxation (7th ed., pp. 179-216). (Fiscale handboeken; No. 10). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Nouwen, M., & Wattel, P. J. (2018). Tax Competition and the Code of Conduct for Business Taxation. In P. J. Wattel, O. Marres, & H. Vermeulen (Eds.), Terra/Wattel European Tax Law. - Volume 1: General Concepts and Direct Taxation (7th ed., pp. 927-948). (Fiscale handboeken; No. 10). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2018). Introduction. In P. J. Wattel, O. Marres, & H. Vermeulen (Eds.), Terra/Wattel European Tax Law. - Volume 1: General Concepts and Direct Taxation (7th ed., pp. 3-9). (Fiscale handboeken; No. 10). Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2018). Commentary on Chapter 12: Anathema to the Internal Market. In P. Pistone (Ed.), European Tax Integration: Law, Policy and Politics (pp. 485-495). (GREIT series). IBFD. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2018). Conceptual Background of CJEU Case Law in Direct Tax Matters. In P. J. Wattel, O. Marres, & H. Vermeulen (Eds.), Terra/Wattel European Tax Law. - Volume 1: General Concepts and Direct Taxation (7th ed., pp. 611-648). (Fiscale handboeken; No. 10). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2018). Double (Tax) Jeopardy. In J. Wheeler (Ed.), Single Taxation? (pp. 205-216). IBFD. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2018). General EU Law Concepts and Tax Law. In P. J. Wattel, O. Marres, & H. Vermeulen (Eds.), Terra/Wattel European Tax Law. - Volume 1: General Concepts and Direct Taxation (7th ed., pp. 39-151). (Fiscale handboeken; No. 10). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J., Marres, O., & Vermeulen, H. (Eds.) (2018). Terra/Wattel European Tax Law. - Volume 1: General Concepts and Direct Taxation. - Student edition. (7th ed.) (Fiscale studieserie; No. 29). Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J., Marres, O., & Vermeulen, H. (Eds.) (2018). Terra/Wattel European Tax Law. - Volume 1: General Concepts and Direct Taxation. (7th ed.) (Fiscale handboeken; No. 10). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. [details]


    • Wattel, P. (2017). Waarom moet ik dit lezen? In M. Feteris, L. Stevens, & B. Verhoeven (Eds.), Bouwen en douwen: dit liber amicorum is aangeboden aan Mr. J.A.C.A. Overgaauw, ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als vicepresident van de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden op 20 december 2017 (pp. 311-316). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2017). Taxation in the Internal Market. In Research Handbook on the Law of the EU’s Internal Market


    • Wattel, P. (2016). Non-discrimination à la Cour: the ECJ’s (lack of) Comparability Analysis in Direct Tax Cases. In P. Pistone, & D. Weber (Eds.), Non-discrimination in Tax Treaties: Selected issues from a global perspective (pp. 255-282). (EC and International Tax Law series; Vol. 14). IBFD Publications. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2016). Ne Bis in Idem and Tax Offences in EU Law and ECHR Law. In B. van Bockel (Ed.), Ne Bis in Idem in EU Law (pp. 167-217). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2016). Comparing Criteria: State Aid, Free Movement, Harmful Tax Competition and Market Distorting Disparities. In I. Richelle, W. Schön, & E. Traversa (Eds.), State Aid Law and Business Taxation (pp. 59-71). (MPI Studies in Tax Law and Public Finance; Vol. 6). Springer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2016). Staatssteun en het armslengtebeginsel. In C. Maas, & L. J. A. Pieterse (Eds.), Systeem en symmetrie: Bavinck-bundel: opstellen aangeboden aan mr. C.B. Bavinck, creatief denker, bevlogen fiscalist, begenadigd rechter ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als raadsheer in de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden op 21 september 2016 (pp. 319-326). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2016). Stateless Income, State Aid and the (Which?) Arm’s Length Principle. Intertax, 44(11), 791–801. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2016). The Cat and the Pigeons: Some General Comments on (TP) Tax Rulings and State Aid After the Starbucks and Fiat Decisions. In I. Richelle, W. Schön, & E. Traversa (Eds.), State Aid Law and Business Taxation (pp. 185-194). (MPI Studies in Tax Law and Public Finance; Vol. 6). Springer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2016). Verse knoflook, internetseks en het verdedigingsbeginsel. In G. Knigge, F. F. Langemeijer, A. J. Machielse, P. C. Vegter, P. Vlas, C. L. de Vries Lentsch-Kostense, & P. J. Wattel (Eds.), Gehoord de Procureur-Generaal: opstellen aangeboden aan J.W. Fokkens ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als Procureur-Generaal bij de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (pp. 363-374). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. [details]


    • Wattel, P. J. (2015). De burgerlijke rechter en het belastingrecht. In R. J. N. Schlössels, M. W. C. Feteris, R. J. B. Schutgens, G. Snijders, J. A. F. Peters, & L. A. D. Keus (Eds.), De burgerlijke rechter in het publiekrecht (pp. 359-376). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J., & Nijssen, W. (2015). Inleiding. In O. C. R. Marres, S. J. Mol-Verver, & J. L. van de Streek (Eds.), Hoofdzaken belastingrecht (17e ed., pp. 25-39). (Boom fiscale studieboeken). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]


    • Wattel, P. J. (2014). New Wine into Old Wineskins: The scope of the Charter of fundamental rights of the EU after Åklagaran v Hans Åkerberg Fransson (reprint). European Current Law, 2014(3), 273-289.


    • Wattel, P. J. (2013). Forum: Interaction of State Aid, Free Movement, Policy Competition and Abuse Control in Direct Tax Matters. World Tax Journal, 5(1), 128-144. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2013). Some Fringe Areas of EU State Aid Law in Direct Tax Matters. In D. Weber (Ed.), EU income tax law: issues for the years ahead (pp. 139-162). (EC and international tax law series; No. 9). Amsterdam: IBFD. [details]
    • van Bockel, B., & Wattel, P. (2013). New Wine into Old Wineskins: The scope of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU after Åkerberg Fransson. European Law Review, 38(6), 866-883. [details]


    • Marres, O. C. R., & Wattel, P. J. (2011). Dividendbelasting. - 4e dr. (Fiscale studieserie; No. 26). Deventer: Kluwer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2011). Daily Mail: een innovatief belastingadvies dat strandde op een pseudosiège-réèl-stelsel. In J. B. S. Hijink, & M. A. Verbrugh (Eds.), Europees ondernemingsrecht: grensoverschrijdend ondernemen na Cartesio (pp. 181-191). (Uitgave vanwege het Instituut voor Ondernemingsrecht; No. 75). Deventer: Kluwer. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2011). Een proactievere rol van de Hoge Raad in belastingzaken? In A. M. Hol, I. Giesen, & F. G. H. Kristen (Eds.), De Hoge Raad in 2025: contouren van de toekomstige cassatierechtspraak (pp. 181-190). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2011). Passing the buck around: who is responsible for double taxation? - Comments on Profs. Kofler and Rust's Analysis. In A. Rust (Ed.), Double taxation within the European Union (pp. 157-166). Kluwer Law International. [details]


    • Wattel, P. J. (2010). Daily Mail: een innovatief belastingadvies dat strandde op een pseudo-siège-réèl-stelsel. In T. W. B. Beukers, H. J. van Harten, & S. Prechal (Eds.), Het recht van de Europese Unie in 50 klassieke arresten (pp. 187-194). (Boom jurisprudentie en documentatie). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2010). De invloed van het EU-recht op het belastingrecht. In R. L. R. Hennuin (Ed.), Hoofdzaken belastingrecht. - 12e dr. (pp. 357-370). Boom fiscale uitgevers. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2010). EC law and direct taxation: l'Europe des juges et des contribuables. In J. Kruthoffer-Röwekamp (Ed.), Die Rechtsprechung des EuGH in ihrer Bedeutung für das nationale und internationale Recht der direkten Steuern: Kolloquium im Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Berlin, 17. und 18. November 2008 (pp. 17-28). Nomos. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2010). Een proactievere rol van de Hoge Raad in belastingzaken? Weekblad voor Fiscaal Recht, 139(6882), 1468-1473. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2010). Inleiding. In R. L. R. Hennuin (Ed.), Hoofdzaken belastingrecht. - 12e dr. (pp. 23-34). Boom fiscale uitgevers. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2010). Schumacker: een spectaculair onjuist arrest. In T. W. B. Beukers, H. J. van Harten, & S. Prechal (Eds.), Het recht van de Europese Unie in 50 klassieke arresten (pp. 250-258). (Boom jurisprudentie en documentatie). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]


    • Wattel, P. J. (2008). Judicial restraint and three trends in the ECJ’s direct tax case law. Tax Law Review, 62(1), 205-219. [details]


    • Boulogne, F., van Hilten, M., & Wattel, P. J. (2022). Tax Aspects of the European Economic Interest Grouping, the European Company and the European Cooperative Society. In S. Douma, O. Marres, H. Vermeulen, & D. Weber (Eds.), Terra/Wattel European Tax Law - Volume 1: General Topics and Direct Taxation (8th student ed., pp. 707-722). (Fiscale studieserie; No. 29). Wolters Kluwer. [details]



    • Boulogne, F., Terra, B., & Wattel, P. (2018). Tax Aspects of the European Economic Interest Grouping, the European Company and the European Cooperative Society. In P. J. Wattel, O. Marres, & H. Vermeulen (Eds.), Terra/Wattel European Tax Law. - Volume 1: General Concepts and Direct Taxation (7th ed., pp. 381-397). (Fiscale handboeken; No. 10). Wolters Kluwer. [details]




    • Wattel, P. (2014). Relevance of (deviations from) the OECD model and commentary in ECJ income tax case law. In G. Maisto (Ed.), Departures from the OECD model and commentaries: reservations, observations and positions in EU law and tax treaties (pp. 97-110). (EC and international tax law series; No. 11). Amsterdam: IBFD. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2014). Access to effective legal remedy. In C. Brokelind (Ed.), Principles of law: function, status and impact in EU tax law (pp. 183-204). Amsterdam: IBFD. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2014). Throwing back some curves - Some comments on the presentations and the proceedings of the 7th GREIT international conference, Madrid, 13 september 2012. In D. Sarmiento, & D. J. Jiménez-Valadolid de L'Hotellerie Fallois (Eds.), Litigating EU tax law in international, national and non-EU national courts (pp. 303-312). Amsterdam: IBFD. [details]


    • Terra, B. J. M., & Wattel, P. J. (2012). European tax law. - 6th edition. - Abridged student edition. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. [details]
    • Terra, B. J. M., & Wattel, P. J. (2012). European tax law. - 6th edition. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2012). Taxation of intercompany dividends and EU law: three surprising aspects of the recent case law of the European Court. In G. Maisto (Ed.), Taxation of Intercompany Dividends under Tax Treaties and EU Law (pp. 39-52). (EC and international tax law series; Vol. 8). IBFD. [details]


    • Wattel, P. J. (2009). Enige observaties van de vraagkant van prejudiciële verwijzing. In L. J. A. Pieterse (Ed.), Draaicirkels van formeel belastingrecht: opstellen, aangeboden aan prof. dr. mr. R.E.C.M. Niessen (pp. 333-343). Sdu Uitgevers. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2009). Forum shopping with the ECJ. In P. Pistone (Ed.), Legal remedies in European tax law (pp. 469-480). IBFD. [details]


    • Wattel, P. J. (2008). National procedural autonomy and effectiveness of EC law: challenge the charge, file for restitution, sue for damages? Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 35(2), 109-132. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2008). Use it or lose it: challenge the charge, file for restitution, sue for damages? In L. Hinnekens, & P. Hinnekens (Eds.), A vision of taxes within and outside European borders: festschrift in honor of prof. dr. Frans Vanistendael (pp. 931-953). Kluwer Law International. [details]









    • Wattel, P. (2015). BEPS, GAAR, CC(C)TB, OESO, G20 en de EU. Nederlands Juristenblad, 90(38), 2663. Article 1901. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2015). Belastinghervorming en bevingsbelasting. Nederlands Juristenblad, 90(26), 1707. Article 1246. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2015). Prejudiciële samenwerking en dialoog. Nederlands Juristenblad, 90(41), 2861. Article 2056. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2015). Tax Transparency? Nederlands Juristenblad, 90(20), 1335. Article 959. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2015). Taxation with representation ain’t so hot either. Nederlands Juristenblad, 90(11), 667. Article 541. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2015). Voldongen kwantitatieve versoepeling. Nederlands Juristenblad, 90(4), 241. Article 204. [details]



    • Wattel, P. (2013). Buurman. In T. Groeneveld, & L. J. A. Pieterse (Eds.), Met oog voor detail: liber amicorum aangeboden aan Mr. J.W. van den Berge, scherpzinnig magistraat, erudiet inspirator, ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als vice-president van de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden op 10 april 2013 (pp. 315-320). Sdu Uitgevers. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2013). De fiscus en het slachtoffer. Nederlands Juristenblad, 88(43), 2985. Article 2505. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2013). Legitimate Expectations. Nederlands Juristenblad, 88(6), 347. Article 290. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2013). Mannenpyramidespel. Nederlands Juristenblad, 88(13), 797. Article 655. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2013). Ne bis. Nederlands Juristenblad, 88(36), 2491. Article 2119. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2013). CJEU (Case C-350/11, Argenta Spaarbank NV v Belgische Staat (freedom of establishment; allowance for corporate equity only for domestically invested equity; discrimination)). Highlights & insights on European taxation, 2013(12), 30-34. [14].
    • Wattel, P. J. (2013). CJEU (Grand Chamber) (Case C-35/11, Test Claimants in the FII Group (bis) ((non-)equivalence exemption and credit for underlying tax; third State capital movement as opposed to establishment)). Highlights & insights on European taxation, 2013(3), 20-24. [1].
    • Wattel, P. J. (2013). De invloed van het EU-recht op het belastingrecht. In O. C. R. Marres, S. J. Mol-Verver, & J. L. van de Streek (Eds.), Hoofdzaken belastingrecht (15e ed., pp. 347-360). (Boom fiscale studieboeken). Den Haag: Boom fiscale uitgevers. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2013). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-35/11, LJN BY4075: Test Claimants/Commissioners of Inland Revenu). 28. Case note on: HvJ EU, 13/11/12, ECLI:NL:XX:2012:BY4075 BNB : Beslissingen in Belastingzaken. Nederlandse Belastingrechtspraak, 2013(3), 536-579. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2013). HvJ EU (zaaknr. C-350/11: Argenta Spaarbank). 258. Case note on: HvJ EU, 4/07/13 BNB : Beslissingen in Belastingzaken. Nederlandse Belastingrechtspraak, 2013(24), 5289-5310. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2013). Inleiding. In O. C. R. Marres, S. J. Mol-Verver, & J. L. van de Streek (Eds.), Hoofdzaken belastingrecht. - 15e dr. (pp. 1-14). (Boom fiscale studieboeken). Den Haag: Boom fiscale uitgevers. [details]


    • Marres, O. C. R., Mol-Verver, S. J., van de Streek, J. L., Bozia, K., de Groot, I. M., Idsinga, N., ... Wolvers, S. (2012). Hoofdzaken belastingrecht. - 14e dr. (Boom fiscale studieboeken). Den Haag: Boom fiscale uitgevers. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2012). Gerechtvaardigde verrijking. Nederlands Juristenblad, 87(6), 375. Article 339. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2012). Grondrechtelijke competence creep. Nederlands Juristenblad, 87(13), 861. Article 767. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2012). Het rollatorakkoord. Nederlands Juristenblad, 87(21), 1443. Article 1214. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2012). Onrechtmatig verkregen bewijs. Nederlands Juristenblad, 87(36), 2527. Article 2023. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2012). Op mijn bek. Nederlands Juristenblad, 87(14), 984. Article 871. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2012). Punitive psychiatry - punitive taxation? Nederlands Juristenblad, 87(28), 1935. Article 1598. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2012). Why don't they use the phone? Nederlands Juristenblad, 87(41), 2881. Article 2359. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2012). Exit taxation in the EU/EEA before and after National GRID Indus. Tax Notes International Weekly News, 65(5), 371-379. [details]


    • Wattel, P. (2011). Carry on discriminating. Nederlands Juristenblad, 86(44/45), 2973. Article 2248. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2011). En attendant Godot: (ou au moins une brochure). Nederlands Juristenblad, 86(1), 48-49. Article 23. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2011). Gaat in banken! Nederlands Juristenblad, 86(6), 349. Article 292. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2011). Haircut! (wel gedekt houden graag). Nederlands Juristenblad, 86(17), 1107. Article 853. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2011). Perp walk. Nederlands Juristenblad, 86(21), 1373. Article 1085. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2011). Schuldenbremse. Nederlands Juristenblad, 86(28), 1857. Article 1469. [details]
    • Wattel, P. (2011). Vertrouwen in rechtspraak en rechters. Nederlands Juristenblad, 86(36), 2425. Article 1815. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2011). De invloed van het EU-recht op het belastingrecht. In O. C. R. Marres, S. J. Mol-Verver, & J. L. van de Streek (Eds.), Hoofdzaken belastingrecht. - 13e dr. (pp. 359-372). Boom fiscale uitgevers. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2011). HvJ EU (Gevoegde zaken C-436/08 en C-437/08, LJN BP5262: Haribo/Finanzamt Linz). 165. Case note on: HvJ EU, 10/02/11 BNB : Beslissingen in Belastingzaken. Nederlandse Belastingrechtspraak, 2011(13), 2980-3050. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2011). Inleiding. In O. C. R. Marres, S. J. Mol-Verver, & J. L. van de Streek (Eds.), Hoofdzaken belastingrecht. - 13e dr. (pp. 23-35). Boom fiscale uitgevers. [details]
    • Wattel, P. J. (2011). Personae miserabiles tractatu. Weekblad voor Fiscaal Recht, 140(6903), 522-523. [details]




    Prize / grant

    • Wattel, P. (2011). Hofstra-penning.
    • Wattel, P. (2007). gouden peer.
    • Wattel, P. (1988). staatsprijs voor fiscaal-wetenschappelijke publicaties in 1985 en 1986.

    Journal editor

    • Wattel, P. (reviewer) (2016-). Nederlands Juristenblad (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Wattel, P. (speaker) (10-11-2016). SYMPOSIUM STAATSSTEUN, Platform belastingrechtspraak.
    • Wattel, P. (speaker) (30-9-2016). Case Load Control in Tax Matters, international association of tax judges.
    • Wattel, P. (speaker) (28-9-2016). Access to a Tax Court and the rights to property and to equal treatment, International Fiscal Association (IFA).
    • Wattel, P. (speaker) (20-6-2016). WHAT IS LEFT OF TAX COMPETITION AND FREE MOVEMENT AFTER BEPS?, Universidade de Lisboa.
    • Wattel, P. (speaker) (1-6-2016). ACTL Seminar on Anti-BEPS implementation in the EU.
    • Wattel, P. (speaker) (25-5-2016). Rechtsvorming door de Hoge Raad, Ars Aequi.
    • Wattel, P. (speaker) (13-5-2016). Investigation of crimes using the internet, human rights and fundamental freedoms, Network of Public Prosecutors or equivalent institutions at the Supreme Judicial Courts of the Member States of the European Union.
    • Wattel, P. (speaker) (20-1-2016). BEPS AND EU LAW, Université de Lausanne.
    • Wattel, P. (speaker) (14-1-2016). ACTL seminar on Implementation of the OECD BEPS measures.
    • Wattel, P. (speaker) (2-1-2016). ACTL Winter Course EU BEPS AND THE EU TREATY FREEDOMS/ STATE AID.


    • Wattel, P. (other) (13-9-2019). Chair, Tax Procedures in the United Kingdom (other).
    • Wattel, P. (other) (3-5-2019). chair, The Principal Purpose Test v. the EU Anti-Abuse Doctrine (other).
    • Wattel, P. (other) (21-3-2019). chair, Peter Sloterdijk and others on voluntary taxation in a globalized world (other).
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities